Biosphere 2

A biosphere in your house? With TAOS you can. But … What exactly are the biospheres? How do you create? Let’s see it briefly. Periodically we will give more information in our Blog.

How does a biosphere BORN

Bio-sphere was created by a space engineer and two of the members of Biosphere2, a Research Center, study and learning about changes that the man is bringing to the floor.

The duo of Biosphere2 lived and worked for two years in Arizona, within the large glass and steel building which contains 3.15 acres a closed ecosystem that contains many different environments, including tropical rainforests, Savannah, desert, swamp and the ocean.

Under the guidance of Columbia University, other scientists continue to do research on the changes of the globe, while other experiments with closed ecosystems similar to biosphere were completed on the Shuttle and American on the Russian space station Mir.

Opened to the public in 1990, Biosphere2 has had from the beginning the goal to teach us to become managers of our planet. Beachworld ecosystems were created using NASA technology exclusively. Biosphere are tiny worlds, hermetically sealed in an ORB of blown glass. It is completely transparent to recreate the life of a marine ecosystem or lake shore, or reproduce the life of ants or the growth of a seedling in a nutrient gel.

BiosphereFor more information, please refer to the website of Biosphere2.


There is a famous Bio-sphere also in Italy. It is located in Genoa, and is commonly known as “the bubble of Renzo Piano”, the famous architect.

It was built in 2001 and is a steel and glass structure placed in the old port of Genoa.

Measure a diameter of about 20 meters and inside it’s rebuilt a small portion of the rainforest. It houses about 150 species of animal and plant organisms. A computer system controls the internal climate, by adjusting the temperatures and the moving air with convective flows and currents. 

For more information please visit the official website,

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A biosphere in your house? With TAOS you can! Discover now how you can get your mini-echosystem. Visit our website, order and save! With TAOS you can!
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